CVNP Nesbitt Project
This project was a reestablishment of approximately 11 acres of wetlands, including forested wetland areas, and 900 LF of intermittent stream on former agricultural land in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park (CVNP) as mitigation for impacts to wetlands and streams for the Hudson Salt Storage Facility and School Bus Garage project. The primary goal of the project was to restore and enhance wetlands, upland forests, and streams on the site, so it is not an impaired inholding within CVNP boundaries.
The property had complex groundwater relationships that had to be studied prior to restoration design and construction, which ultimately led to the installation of subsurface clay trenches to disrupt groundwater flow into a gravel layer and away from the site.
Helping You Acheive Priorities
This project accomplishes several key priorities of the NPS, including the restoration of formerly impaired properties within the national park boundaries, the addition/restoration of wetland acreage and the restoration of streams within the park to improve aquatic habitat and water quality entering the Cuyahoga River.