Restoration of Sowinski Park Stream
The intent of this project was to rectify the channelized flow of Doan Brook by removing the historical sandstone walls in key locations along the brook. RiverReach realigned the flow of this waterway creating an additional 550 LF of stream while improving the meanders. RiverReach also modified an additional 1000 LF of stream with rock toe protections and riffle enhancements.
Floodplain and Wetland Areas
Outside of the stream itself, we expanded the floodplain and wetlands zones within the park to give Doan Brook floodplain connectivity supporting a healthy stream balance. We planted 21 native species B and B trees (3” caliper) with more trees, shrubs, and stakes planned for spring of 2023. The fish passage through Doan Brook was also enhanced with habitat increased. This project also allowed improvement to the existing sledding for the local community. Sowinski Park is set to remain a focal point for the community, one they may enjoy and engage in with pride.
Project Details
Doan Brook Watershed Partnership