Restoration of Mill Creek
The Highland Park Golf Course Stream Restoration project is envisioned as the restoration of Mill Creek, a perennial tributary to the Cuyahoga River, through the Highland Park Golf Course. Mill Creek enters the golf course property at the north end of the property through a culvert under Chagrin Boulevard, continues southwest for approximately 5000 lineal feet, and exits under Harvard Road through an existing culvert.
Restored Stream Channel Improvements
The project restoration area included two reaches restored within the golf course property totaling approximately 2900 linear feet. The Upper Reach begins at the outlet of the Chagrin Boulevard culvert and extends approximately 2100 feet to an in-line pond. The Lower Reach consists of approximately 800 feet of straightened channel that runs across three golf course fairways upstream of the Harvard Road culvert. The restored stream channel includes connectivity to the floodplain, improved habitat, riffle complexes, wetland pools, stabilized banks and enhanced golf play.